Sample Pages
Different golf courses present in different ways. Lighting, location, shapes of holes, backdrops - each course is different. Rather than producing a 'standard' book with the same layout we have adopted a range of different templates to showcase courses in the best possible light.
Full page with single image
The panographic nature of the book is the perfect forum to showcase the generally landscape nature of the images Gary has captured. In many cases a single image is highlighted running across the full page.
Full page with two images
To provide an appropriate balance of images and layout an additional template showing two images side by side is often used. This helps to showcase the golf course from different angles with key features highlighted.
Full page with three images
Some images lend themselves better to being represented in a trio of shots. The centre shot is generally the primary focus.
Region Essays
Each of the regions featured in Great Golf Courses of the World commences with an essay highlighting the golf courses included and providing an insight into what distinguishes them from other courses around the world.
Region Map
Top help the reader gain a perspective of the golf course locations a detailed map outlines where each golf course is situation.